Showing posts from December, 2017
Cafe Zauner, Bad Ischl
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(português abaixo) On our way back to Vienna from Hallstatt we stopped at the famous Cafe Zauner, in the city of Bad Ischil. This city is a spa town (the German word bad means bath). In the 19th century Bad Ischl became a fashionable spa resort with notable guests. In 1849 Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria chose the town for his summer residence. Years later (1853) the engagement between Franz Joseph and Elisabeth of Bavaria (Sisi) took place in Bad Ischl. Cafe Zauner is famous for its Austrian cakes. We did our best to savour the ones we could fit 🍰. - - - - De regresso a Viena, de Hallstatt, paramos no famoso Cafe Zauner, na cidade de Bad Ischil. Esta cidade é uma cidade termal (a palavra alemã é bad significa banho). No século 19, Bad Ischl tornou-se uma estância termal elegante com convidados notáveis. Em 1849, o imperador Franz Joseph I da Áustria escolheu a cidade para a sua residência de verão. Anos depois (1853), o engajamento entre Franz Joseph e Elisabeth da B...
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We spent the long Austrian weekend (Immaculate Conception of Mary) to travel to Hallstatt. It is already winter there. It was quite cold but we managed to walk along its narrows streets to enjoy the picturesque view of typical Austrian houses squeezed between the mountains and the lake. Churchill also enjoyed the trip, his first time life experience with snow. He was always "drinking snow." Photos: Denise Puget - - - - Aproveitamos o fim-de-semana austríaco prolongado da Imaculada Conceição de Maria para visitar Hallstatt. Lá, já é inverno. Está bastante frio, mas conseguimos caminhar por suas ruas estreitas para apreciar a vista pitoresca das típicas casas austríacas espremidas entre as montanhas e o lago. Churchill também gostou da viagem, sua primeira experiência de vida com a neve. Ele aproveitou a oportunidade para "beber neve". Hallstatt and Lake Hallstätter See Hallstatt e o Lago Hallstätter See Hallstatt View from our hotel,...
Churchill meets snow for the first time in the Austrian Alps (Hallstatt)
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Bulgarian restaurant in Vienna
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In our first evening in Vienna, we went to investigate the area near our apartment and we found Seasons, a small Bulgarian restaurant. While Denise enjoyed the always good schnitzel I tried Gyuvetch, a Bulgarian dish, which I believe is named after the beautiful clay it is served in. The pictures tell the story. At the end, I enjoyed the meal along with Bulgarian beer Zagorka. - - - - Na nossa primeira noite em Viena, fomos investigar a área perto do nosso apartamento e encontramos Seasons, um pequeno restaurante búlgaro. Enquanto Denise aprecisava um schnitzel, sempre bom, eu tentei o Gyuvetch, um prato búlgaro, que acredito ter o nome do lindo pote de argila que é servido. As fotos contam a história. No final, eu gostei da refeição juntamente com a cerveja búlgara Zagorka.
Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Czech Republic
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We stayed two evenings in Karlovy Vary. "Karlovy Vary or Carlsbad is a spa town situated in western Bohemia, Czech Republic, on the confluence of the rivers Ohře and Teplá, approximately west of Prague. It is named after Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia, who founded the city in 1370. It is historically famous for its hot springs. It is the most visited spa town in the Czech Republic." ( See more from the official tourist information , also with pictures from the city). We stayed in an old hotel, well, like everything in the old part of the city, and walked around the various fountains and colonnades. We also visited the magnificent Orthodox Church of St. Peter and Paul and the Catholic Church of St. Mary Magdalene. We also went all the way to Diana Observation Tower, where we enjoyed a nice Czech lunch. - - - - Ficamos duas noites em Karlovy Vary. " Karlovy Vary ou Carlsbad é uma cidade termal situada no oeste da Boêmia, na República ...
Sunset over the Czech-German border
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We left Potsdam by car on Friday (yesterday) on our way to Vienna, with a stop in Karlory Vary. We drove by several German states (Brandenburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony, Thuringia and just a bit of Bavaria) before crossing the border to the Czech Republic. At that moment, Denise captured this magnificent sunset. It is cold ... -1degrees Celcius. - - - - Nós deixamos Potsdam de carro na sexta-feira (ontem) em nosso caminho para Viena, com uma parada em Karlory Vary, na Rep ública Tcheca. Dirigimos por vários estados alemães (Brandemburgo, Saxônia-Anhalt, Saxônia, Turíngia e apenas um pouco da Baviera) antes de atravessarmos a fronteira para a República Tcheca. Neste momento, Denise capturou este magnífico pôr-do-sol. Está frio ... -1 grau.
Sub-human Christmas hater leaves a bomb in Potsdam Christmas Market
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We spend 3 months living in a lovely street in "old Potsdam." That is where the city's Christmas Market is located. Very nice to just leave home and get immersed in the nice spirit of Christmas and enjoy the traditional glühwine. But then, exactly the day we left Potsdam, this happens. Unbelievable. So many people go the the Christmas Market, particularly some many children go to the Christmas Market. Lots of mothers with strollers. Unbelievable. ----- Passamos 3 meses vivendo em uma rua adorável na "velha Potsdam". É aí onde Feira de Natal da cidade está localizado. Muito bom sair de casa e ficar imerso no bom espírito do Natal e desfrutar do tradicional glühwine. Mas então, exatamente no dia em que deixamos Potsdam, uma bomba cheia de pregos foi encontrada, não longe de casa. Inacreditável. Tantas pessoas vão a Feira de Natal, particularmente crianças, e muitas mães com carrinhos de bebês. Inacreditável. Mais informações: 1. http://www.b...
Potsdam Christmas Market
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Christmas in Germany is marked by its Christmas markets and it is the same in Potsdam. They start to run on Monday November 25t, which allowed us to enjoy it daily as it was located exactly on the street we were living. Wonderful! - - - - Natal na Alemanha é marcado por suas Feiras de Natal e o mesmo ocorre em Potsdam. Eles começaram na segunda-feira, 25 de novembro, o que nos permitiu usufruir dele diáriamente. A Feira de Natal de Potsdam fica localizada exatamente na rua em morávamos. Maravilhoso! Enjoying glühwien Saboreando o glühwien With Jens Wickert The market being assebled A feira sendo montada Churchill "hunts" the lights projected on the street Churchill "caça" as luzes projetadas na rua Grünhohl mit knacker Vehicles block the street to avoid any terrorist attack Veículos bloqueiam a rua para evitar ataque terrorista Vehicles block the street to avoid any ter...