250-kg WW II bomb found in Potsdam
(Português segue abaixo, após a figura)
Potsdam was heavily bombed during WWII due to its proximity to Berlin, and it is expected that hundreds of non-detonated bombs remain buried in both cities. One of those bombs was discovered in a construction site near the main train station of the city (hauptbahnhof) on Monday morning and it is going to be defused by demolition champion Mike Schwitzke of the ordnance disposal service of the state of Brandenburg. More than 600 helpers, including the city of Potsdam, the professional fire brigade, volunteer fire departments, federal police and police are in action to clear the barrier and secure.
A large area of the city will be closed tomorrow (Wednesday). This area is indicated in highlighted in red in the map. According to the City of Potsdam in the restricted area there are nursing homes, two elementary schools, a comprehensive school, six day care centers, the main station, the long bridge (Lange Brücke), the education forum, blu sports and leisure pool Potsdam and the state parliament. More than 9,700 people in the area are asked to leave their homes on Wednesday until 8am.
The area where everyone has to pass will be closed! All trains and trams that cross Potsdam, and connect Potsdam to Berlin will not circulate!
As for me, it seems it will be a day working from home. My home is located at the red star and I usually walk all the way to the purple star at the bottom part of the map.
Let us hope the "demolition champion" will do a safe and fast job so that life goes back to normal fast.
Uma grande área da cidade será fechada pela manhã. Esta área é indicada em vermelho no mapa. De acordo com a cidade de Potsdam na área restrita há lares de idosos, duas escolas primárias, uma escola secundária, seis creches, a ponte principal, a ponte longa, o fórum de educação e a piscina esportiva e de lazer de Potsdam e o parlamento estadual. Mais de 9.700 pessoas na área foram convidadas a deixarem suas casas na quarta-feira até as 8 da manhã.
A área onde todos passam vai ser fechaada! Todos os trens e bondes que atravessam Potsdam, e conectam Potsdam a Berlim não circulam!
Quanto a mim, parece ser um dia de travalho em casa. Minha casa está localizada na estrela vermelha, e eu geralmente ando todo o caminho até a estrela roxa na parte inferior do mapa.
Esperemos que o "campeão da demolição" faça um trabalho seguro e rápido para que a vida volte ao normal bem depressa.
This certainly doesn't sound like an ideal destination on this day! Be safe.